Here will class material be posted!
#1: Here are the slides of class 1 about statistical inference and the R code with more functions to practice.
#2: We will continue with statistical inference material of class 1. Here are the R code and the notes from class 2.
#3: Here are the slides for class 3 about prior and posterior distributions. Here are the R code from and the Notes from class 3.
#4: Here are Notes from today's class, and the R Code.
#5: Here are the slides of class 5 about conjugate prior distributions and the notes. Try finding the posterior distributions in each Theorem!
#6: Here are the slides about Bayes Estimators if time permits. Here are the notes on conjugate prior distributions and improper priors.
#7: Here are the slides about Maximum Lkelihood Estimators if time permits. Here are the notes on Bayes Estimators and the R code.
#8: Here are the notes 1 and 2 about Bayes Estimators, and the R Code.
#9: Here are the slides for today's class about Estimators.
#10. Class material for today.
#11. Here is the solution of today's exercise. New solution for part e).
#12: Here is the material for today's class. Here are the notes and RCode for sampling distributions. Notes 2 about sampling distributions.
#13: Here is the material for today's class about the Chi-square distribution. Here are the notes of the class. Here are notes 2 about chi-square distribution, and here is the RCode.
#14: Here is material about joint distribution of the sample mean and sample variance, if time permits. Here are the notes, and RCode.
#15: Here is the material for t Distribution if time permits. Here are the notes.
#16: Here is the material for confidence intervals.
#17: Here an updated material for confidence intervals. And here are the notes and RCode. Here are notes 2 of confidence intervals.
#18: Here is the material for today's class. Here are the notes of the class.
#19: Here is the updated version of the exercises for tomorrow. Here is the solution for exercises 2 and 3: 1, 2, 3,4, 5, and 6. There is a mistake in the computation of the quantile of the Fisher distribution in exercise 3. Here is the update of items 3 c), d), and e).
#20: Here is the material for tomorrow's class. You can try to solve it! Here are the notes and the RCode.
#21: Here is the material for today's class about unbiased estimators. Here are the notes.
#22: Here is the materia for Fisher information. Here are the notes.
#23: Here is the material for today's class. Here are the notes.
#24: Here are the exercises for our last class and the Notes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.